Whether you are scrutinizing an individual stock or your whole portfolio, leverage detailed technical charts and market opinions to analyze the security of your holdings. Snapshot and detailed reports are just a click away. Combine stocks into a number of portfolios and group them any way that makes sense to you. Keep tabs on the performance of your existing portfolios and new stocks you are considering with detailed financial information and head-to-head performance charting, constantly updating throughout The Day. * Tracking - Stay informed on your terms. With the click of a mouse, Get detailed financial status, chart past performance and even establish hypothetical stock purchases in the past. Let Stox present timely news to help separate strong companies from weak ones and be alerted of current world Events that may affect their future. Stox is a stock charting program that helps you research and analyze your stock portfolio. Stox is the best tool for stock analysis for the Mac. It can also track your stock portfolio and work with hundreds of online sources in a simple, single window format that is password protected and stored locally on your computer. Stox is stock research software that gives you the ability to custom compile charts, view specific market news and load pertinent portfolio reports. Manage your stocks and investments with ease.